Renewable and Non-renewable Energy Crossword Puzzle

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Renewable and Non-renewable Energy Crossword Puzzle

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  • climate change : changes to temperature and weather patterns from global warming
  • carbon dioxide : greenhouse gas released when fossil fuels are burned
  • coal : solid fossil fuel
  • oil : liquid fossil fuel
  • petrol : made from oil, used in cars
  • non-renewable : type of energy source that will run out
  • renewable : type of energy source that does not run out
  • natural gas : gaseous fossil fuel
  • solar power : uses sunlight to generate electricity
  • wind power : uses turbines to generate electricity
  • acid rain : formed when gases from burning fossil fuels dissolves in water vapour in the air
  • hydropower : uses water stored high up to generate electricity
  • global warming : increase in earth's temperature caused by release of more greenhouse gases
  • chemical : type of energy stored in fossil fuels
  • electrical : type of energy generated from fossil fuels