Energy Transfer in the Biosphere Crossword Puzzle

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Energy Transfer in the Biosphere Crossword Puzzle

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  • producers : these organisms produce their own food to get the energy they need to live. most of them use photosynthesis to do this.
  • consumers : these organisms consume producers or other consumers to obtain the energy they need to live.
  • decomposers : these organisms break down dead organic material, such as dead plant or animal tissue, to obtain the energy they need to live.
  • food chain : this is a model that shows how the stored energy in food is passed on from one living organism to another.
  • food web : this model weaves together two or more food chains within any given ecosystem.
  • aquatic : this means pertaining to water.
  • terrestrial : this means pertaining to land.
  • six : food chains have a maximum of three to _ links.
  • ten percent : this is the fraction of food energy of a producer that is available to the consumer who eats it, and this same fraction of the food energy of that consumer is available to the next consumer.
  • growth : some of the original food energy a consumer eats is used to support life functions, such as this and cellular respiration.
  • heat : some of the original food energy a consumer eats is changed into heat that is given off into the environment.
  • wastes : some of the original food energy a consumer eats is stored in this (urine and feces) and is excreted into the environment.
  • fungi : bacteria, _ , and other decomposers extract some of the waste energy, but most of it is lost to the environment as heat.
  • energy pyramid : in this model, each level represents the amount of energy that is available to that trophic level.
  • ninety percent : with each step up the energy pyramid, there is an energy loss of this percent.
  • trophic level : this is the position of an organism in a food chain or web. it is the number of steps (levels) it is from the start of the chain.