Energy Revision Crossword Puzzle

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Energy Revision Crossword Puzzle

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  • ability: energy is the _ to do work or cause a change in something.
  • kinetic: energy of motion
  • potential: energy stored in position
  • created: ‘energy can neither be _ nor destroyed'
  • transferred: 'energy can only be _ or changed from one form to another’
  • heat: created by the vibrations of atoms and molecules inside different substances, causing faster movement
  • radiant: also known as light or electromagnetic energy and moves in waves
  • motion: kinetic energy or energy released through movement
  • sound: waves we hear, generated when a force makes an object vibrate. like
  • banging on a drum.
  • electrical: movement of electrons (tiny particles that are one of the building blocks of atoms) through a wire
  • chemical: energy found in atoms and molecules and stored in food, coal and natural gas
  • nuclear: energy stored in the nucleus of atoms.
  • elastic: stored in an elastic object, such as a spring or band. this energy is stored elastic energy when a force, like a pull or a squeeze, causes them to be stretched or squashed.
  • gravitational: energy we get as a result of moving an object away from the surface of the earth or increasing its height from the ground