Corrosion Crossword Puzzle

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Corrosion Crossword Puzzle

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  • temperature : any direct chemical attack on a bare surface is increased when _ or stress are increased
  • dissimilar : dielectric insulation is a corrosion protection method used to isolate _ metals, such as when copper and steel are joined
  • electrolyte : uniform attack is a type of electrochemical corrosion characterized by the general wasting away of metal in contact with an _
  • velocities : one of the most common causes of high _ in piping systems is under-sizing the piping system or pump for a given flow rate
  • abrasion : this usually occurs when a material harder than the piping material rubs, scrapes, scours, or wears against the piping material
  • softening : this water process removes dissolved minerals, such as calcium and magnesium, from potable water through an ion-exchange process
  • rust : this is a thin film of corrosion that acts as a protective coating for the surface or interior walls of the pipe
  • oxygen : corrosion of a metal will naturally take place when _ is present
  • flux : this residue is corrosive and can chemically attack metals or alloys and must be removed from the inside and outside of the pipe
  • galvanic : this type of corrosion damage occurs when two different metals are in electrical contact in an electrolyte, where the more noble metal is protected, and the less noble metal tends to corrode
  • workmenship : faulty _ in the installation of piping can lead to serious problems in piping system design and could lead to turbulence, causing increased abrasion within the piping
  • cathodicprotection : this is the reduction or elimination of corrosion by making the metal a cathode by attaching a sacrificial anode
  • corrosion : the deterioration and loss of piping material and its critical properties due to physical, chemical, and electrochemical reactions