Microscopy Search! Crossword Puzzle

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Microscopy Search! Crossword Puzzle

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  • microscope : a device that uses light and lenses to make small things more easily observable.
  • microbe : a living organism that is too small to see without the use of a microscope.
  • ocular lens : another name for the eye piece of the microscope.
  • stage : the platform part of the microscope that holds the slide/sample.
  • coarse focus : the control dial of the microscope that adjusts the general focus. it is the first control to use when looking at your sample.
  • fine focus : the control dial of the microscope that adjusts the fine focus. it is the control you use after you have focussed it more generally.
  • objective : these are lenses that have different levels of magnification.
  • pipette : a tube that has a bulb at one end, used to transferring small amounts of liquid.
  • slide : a small rectangular piece of glass used to mount your sample.