Renal Anatomy Crossword Puzzle

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  • gfr : rate at which the filtrate is made by the glomerulus (abbr.)
  • medulla : inner portion of the kidney
  • renin : hormone released by jga in response to low blood pressure which catalyzes the synthesis of angiotensin which works to increase blood pressure
  • postrenal : type of failure caused by a defect which lies in the urinary tract after it exits the kidney
  • reabsorption : process in which critical molecules reenter the peritubular capillaries from the filtrate in the tubule
  • excretion : release of the final filtrate (urine) into the collecting ducts
  • prerenal : type of failure caused by a defect in the blood supply before it reaches the kidneys
  • vitamin d : the active form of this hormone is released by the kidneys and works to balance calcium and phosphorus
  • hematuria : blood in the urine
  • nephroticsyndrome : defect to the glomerular basement membrane resulting in massive proteinuria, hypoalbuminemia, hyperlipidemia, and lipiduria
  • uricacid : likely chemical composition of a kidney stone found in a gout patient
  • lipiduria : lipids in the urine
  • bowmans : capsule which receives filtrate from glomerulus
  • filtration : movement of small molecules and water from glomerulus into tubule
  • erythropoietin : hormone released by the kidneys in response to o2 levels which increases rbc production in the bone marrow
  • myoglobin : protein associated with acute skeletal and cardiac muscle injury
  • ureter : tube connecting the renal pelvis to the bladder
  • secretion : movement of substances from tubule into the blood of the peritubular capillaries
  • rta : primary tubular defect affecting acid-base balance (abbr)
  • proteinuria : proteins in the urine
  • calculi : alternative name for renal stones
  • agn : lesions of the glomerulus which may be caused by a kidney infection with group a beta streptococci and characterized by red blood cell casts (abbr.)