Mitosis Review Crossword Puzzle

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  • poles: the ends of the cells where the centrioles go
  • centrioles: structures that attach the spindle fibers to the chromosomes and help the cell to divide
  • parent cell: the original, larger cell before mitosis occurs
  • cytokinesis: when the cytoplasm divides
  • spindle fibers: protein fibers that pull the chromosomes apart
  • inter phase: the resting phase when the cell prepares for mitosis and dna replicates
  • prophase: the phase of mitosis when the chromatin coils into chromosomes and the nuclear membrane breaks down
  • nuclear membrane: the structure that contains dna and breaks down during prophaseanaphase: the phase of mitosis when the chromosomes split
  • daughter cell: the smaller cells produced at the end of mitosis
  • cellcycle: the life cycle of the cell
  • nucleus: the brain of the cell that contains the dna
  • mitosis: the process in which the nucleus divides
  • telophase: the phase of mitosis when two nuclei form and the cell prepares for cytokenisis
  • identicle: how would you compare two cells that go through mitosis
  • dna: the genetic information of the cell
  • chromatids: separated chromosomes
  • equator: the center of the cell where the chromosomes line up during metaphase
  • cytoplasm: the jelly-like substance that holds the organelles in place
  • chromosomes: double stranded structure of dna
  • four: the number of phases in mitosis (spell the number out)
  • metaphase: the phase of mitosis when the chromosomes line up at the equator