Reproductive System Crossword Puzzle
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- leydig : type of cells between seminiferous tubes that make testosterone
- acrosome : protective outside membrane of the sperm that gets into the egg
- sertoli : type of cell that provides nutrients to the sperm and secretes androgen binding
- inhibin : made by sertoli cells, inhibits fsh mostly
- aromatase : enzyme that converts testosterone into estradiol
- grandulosa: type of cell in the ovaries, promotes oocytes to mature ovum
- thecal : type of cell that secretes androgens due to lh in females
- lh : hormone that is considered positive feedback, induces ovulation, and corpus luteum formation
- spermatogenesis : creation of sperm through mitosis
- midpiece : part of the sperm containing mitochondria
- oogenesis : creation of ova for females
- gnrh : secretes lh and fsh to help with the development of ova
- uterus : area of smooth muscle where fetus develops
- urethra : area in male reproductive system where urine and ejaculation exit
- placenta : organ that is shared between mom and baby
- corpus luleum : temporary organ that produces hormones to support pregnancy
- puberty : when does spermatogenesis occur in males
- egg : during ovulation, what is expelled
- estrogen : thickens uterine lining to prepare for possible fertilization
- hypothalamus: secretes gonadotropin hormone-releasing hormone
- ovulation : what does the lh surge cause
- follicular : phase where lh, fsh, and estrogen are secreted
- luteal : phase where progesterone inhibits negative feedback on gnrh and lh
- fertilization : event where sperm meets an egg
- polar body : nonfunctional cells formed by meiosis, different from oocytes