Science, Technology & Society Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: software: it refers to methods, techniques, organization, and management, hardware: tools, equipment, machines, and materials, society: a group of people joined together for a common purpose or by human interest, scientific knowledge: a basic tool used by scientists in the research for knowledge, curiosity: keen observation of things and events, social sciences: deals with human beings and their interactions with each other, sociology: a study of man and his relationship with other men towards society, philately: collection and study of postage stamps, postmarks, and religious items, meteorology: the science dealing with the atmosphere and its phenomena, including weather and climate, cytology: branch of biology dealing with the study of cells, ichthyology: dealing with fishes, orthodontics: dealing with the prevention and correction of irregular dentition, physiology: science dealing with functions of living organisms or their parts, microbiology: study of microscopic organisms, entomology: dealing with insects