Introduction to Microbiology Crossword Puzzle
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- streptobacilli : bacteria containing gram-negative rods that form a chainlike colony
- rickettsiology : the study of rickettsia
- rabies : rabies virus
- streptococci : gram-positive spherically shaped bacteria that occur in chains
- psychrophiles : bacteria that prefer cold, thriving at temperatures between 0 and 25 degrees celsius
- antigen : a foreign substance that stimulates that formation of antibodies that interact specifically with it
- binaryfission : a method of asexual reproduction in bacteria in which cells split into two parts
- diplococci : any of various spherical bacteria appearing in pairs
- anthrax : bacillus anthracis
- staphylococci : gram-positive, nonmotile bacteria that tend to aggregate in irregular, grapelike clusters
- morphology : the study of the size, shape, and arrangements or microorganisms
- flagella : long, whiplike, filament-containing appendages that propel bacteria in liquid
- diplobacilli : a double bacillus, two being linked end to end to each other
- inflammation : heat, swelling, pain, redness, loss of function
- louispasteur : helped saved the european silk industry by identifying the protozoan that caused a silkworm disease
- mesophiles : bacteria that prefer moderate temperature and develop best at temperatures between 25 and 40 degrees celsius
- bacteriology : the study of bacteria
- tularemia : francisella tularensis
- antibodies : also known as immunoglobulins
- mycology : the study of fungi
- plague : yersinia pestis
- virology : the study of viruses
- edwardjenner : used cowpox as a vaccine for smallpox