Hearing Crossword Puzzle

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Hearing Crossword Puzzle

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  • frequency : # of waves that arrive per second and determines our perception of pitch.
  • cochlea : snail-shaped, this part of the ear is especially critical in hearing things as this part of the ear converts sounds into messages understandable by the brain
  • pitch : determined by the frequency of wave, highness, or lowness of a sound.
  • anvil : middle of the three small bones in the ear that transmit sound. anvil-shaped (aka incus)
  • wavelength : distance from one crest of a sound wave to the next.
  • stirrup : the last and smallest of the three small bones in the ear that transmit sound. slingshot/crutch-shaped (aka stapes)
  • conduction hear. loss : this happens when sounds cannot get out of the outer and inner ear.
  • ear canal : tube that runs from the outer ear to the eardrum, helps transport sound, “tunnel”
  • hammer : first and largest of the three small bones in the ear that transmit sound. hammer-shaped (aka malleus)
  • eardrum : vibrates in response to sound waves and transfers through the three small bones in the ear
  • auditory nerve : this is the cochlea’s scottie pippen, capable of connecting the brain to the cochlea, thus successfully transmitting the sounds