Big Bang Theory Crossword Puzzle

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Big Bang Theory Crossword Puzzle

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  • big bang theory: the _ happened 13.7 billion years ago when time, space, matter, and energy began to exist.
  • inflation: the universe as we know it today began as a hot, dense state that underwent _ , a brief but quick expansion..
  • george slemaitre: he developed einstein's general theory of relativity into a hypothesis in 1927. he suggested that
  • the universe is expanding.
  • edwin hubble: he found that the galaxies are rapidly moving away from one another which support as an evidence to big bang theory.
  • george gamow: he discovered that bigbang produced helium and all other elements after.
  • cmb: through this, there was a prediction that after the abrupt expansion the universe cooled after billion of years.
  • electro weak era: seconds after the inflation, electromagnetic and weak forces became extinct.
  • particle era: matter and antimatter came into existence from a time that does not even count a second.
  • nucleo synthesis: this era is the beginning of electrons, neutrons and protons after the next 3 minutes.
  • era of nuclei: the universe was said to be composed of hydrogen and helium only for about 5,000 years.
  • era of atoms: the era when cosmic microwave background (cmb) was formed.
  • era of galaxies: it was only after 1 billion years that the first galaxy was formed. .