Membrane and Membrane Transport Crossword Puzzle

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Membrane and Membrane Transport Crossword Puzzle

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  • fluid mosaic: model in which proteins and a lipid bilayer exist side by side without covalent bonds between them
  • peripheral: one of the three classes of proteins; also known as extrinsic protein
  • scramblases: bidirectional; randomize lipids across the membrane
  • transport: a type of protein that mediates the entry of specific substances into a cell.
  • receptor: protein type that contains specific binding sites for extracurricular substances
  • hydrophobic: interaction; major force driving the formation of lipid bilayers
  • saturated: a type of fatty acids that has linear arrangements of hydrocarbon chains
  • integral: class of protein embedded in a membrane
  • lipid-linked: class of protein that exist at membrane surface but are covalently linked to lipids in the bilayer
  • non-covalent: a bond type that is found in peripheral and integral proteins.
  • passive transport: a process by which a substance enters a cell without having to use cell energy.
  • covalent: bond type found in lipid-linked proteins
  • two: there are this number of active transport type(s)
  • active: a type of transport in which a substance is moved against a concentration gradient.
  • symport: type of transport in which two compounds move through the cell membrane at the same time and in the same direction
  • rafts: the assemblages that lipids are sorted into; serve as fundamental building blocks on which membrane specificity is based.
  • cholesterol: present in animal membranes; makes animal membranes less fluid and more rigid,