Microscopic World: Protozoans Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: proto : greek for "first", ciliates : a group of protozoans that move by waving tiny, hair-like organelles called cilia, gullet : food is swept into this organelle, sporozoans : a group of protozoans that do not have organelles for movement and are parasites, paramecium : an example of a ciliate. it waves it cilia like tiny oars to move through water, slimemolds : strange, fungus-like organisms that grow in damp environments and absorb their food, colonies : some protozoans gather together in groups called.., flagellates : a group of protozoans that move using a whip-like organelle called a flagella, eukaryote : an organism that has a cell nucleus, zoon : greek for "animal", pseudopods : in latin, "false feet", flagella : a a whip-like organelle used for movement in a flagellate, parasite : an organism that lives in or on a host organism and causes it harm, cilia : tiny, hair-like organelles, foodvacuole : food is taken into an ameoba to form a.., protozoan : a single-celled eukaryote that has some animal-like characteristics, plasmodium : malaria is caused by a sporozoan called.., host : parasites live on these.., amoebaproteus : a species found in ponds, amoebas : a group of protozoans that move by means of pseudopods.