Invertebrates Crossword Puzzle

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Invertebrates Crossword Puzzle

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  • platyhelminthes: flatworms
  • trochophore: ciliated larvae of molluscs.
  • appendages: arthropods have jointed _ .
  • acoelomates: animals that lack a body cavity.
  • choanocytes: specialized cells that engulf bacteria by phagocytosis.
  • nematocysts: specialized organelles of cnidocytes that function to stun and capture prey.
  • diploblastic: cnidarians are _ , meaning they have two tissue layers.
  • segmented: annelids are commonly known as _ worms.
  • osculum: in sponges, water is drawn into the spongocoel and flows out through the _ .
  • visceral: the _ mass contains most internal organs of molluscs.
  • mantle: fold of tissue that secretes the shell of molluscs.
  • cuticle: exoskeleton made of layers of protein and chitin.
  • calcareous: echinoderms have an exoskeleton of hard _ plates.
  • metamorphosis: insects undergo incomplete or complete _ .
  • decapods: crustaceans such as lobsters, crabs, crayfish, and shrimp.