Life's Structure & Function Crossword Puzzle
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- chloroplast : green, chlorophyll containing organelle.
- exocytosis : vesicles release contents outside the cell.
- mitochondrion : organelle that releases energy.
- osmosis : passive transport when water diffuses thru a cell membrane.
- photosynthesis : process used by plants to make their own food.
- endocytosis : a cell takes i a substance by surrounding it with material.
- fermentation : oxygen lacking cells release small amounts of energy from glucose molecules.
- meiosis : process that produces 4 new cells.
- diploid : cell whose chromosomes occur in pairs.
- genetics : study of how traits are inherited.
- cell theory : all organisms are made of 1 or more cells.
- cytoplasm : gel like mixture inside the membrane
- zygote : new diploid cell formed when an egg is fertilized.
- heterozygous : an organism with 2 different alleles for a trait.
- virus : tiny piece of genetic material that infects host cells
- alleles : alternate form that a gene may have for a single trait.
- respiration : chemical reactions to release energy.
- mitosis : cell process that produces 2 new cells.
- genotype : an organisms genetic makeup.
- rna : carries codes for making proteins.
- ribosome : organelle that makes proteins.
- mutation : permanent change of a gene.
- gene : section of dna on a chromosome.
- egg : haploid sex cell produced by females.
- dna : genetic material of an organism.