Cell Membrane and Communication Crossword Puzzle
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- passive transport : the movement of a substance down a concentration gradient
- hydrophobic : water fearing
- hydrophylic : water loving
- trans membrane : these types of proteins form channels, pumps or receptors
- oral groove : an indentation on one side of the paramecium
- peripheral : these types of proteins are found only in the outer or inner layer of the cell membrane
- cilia : small, hairlike projections
- cell transport : the movement of substances in and out
- ligand : an be a hormone, neurotransmitter or protein
- facilitated : a type of diffusion where substances use a channel or carrier protein to diffuse across a membrane
- micro nucleus : contains an extra copy of the organism’s genetic information
- vacuoles : vesicles in the cell that store nutrients, waste or water.
- paramecium : live in aquatic environments
- macro nucleus : contains most of the organism’s genetic information needed for day-to-day existence
- cholesterol : help the membrane stay fluid, or flexible
- protists : diverse group of mostly unicellular, eukaryotic organisms
- lysosomes : small, round vesicles that contain enzymes that digest food
- seaweed : multicellular algae are commonly called...
- glyco proteins : proteins with a sugar molecule attached
- diffusion : substances pass directly across the phospholipid bilayer
- antigen : like an identification card
- gullet : the bottom of the oral groove.
- receptors : trans-membrane proteins that are important to cell communication
- active : a type of transport that is the movement of a substance against a concentration gradient