Matter Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: gas : state of matter that has an indefinite shape and an indefinite volume. the particles move independently of one another, milliliters : base unit for volume, solubility : the physical property of a substance when it dissolves in another substance, chemical : the formation of a precipitate, production of gas, heat and light production are all signs that a _ change has occurred, mass : the amount of matter in an object, grams : the base unit for measuring mass, melting point : the same temperature as the boiling point, volume : the amount of space an object occupies, physical : a change in which the composition of the substance stays the same is a _ change, matter : anything that has mass and takes up space, reactivity : a chemical property of matter, centi : this metric prefix means 1/100th of the base unit, condensation : the process of changing from a gas to a liquid, malleability : the physical property of being able to be shaped or reformed, sink : objects that are more dense than water will _ , density : the amount of matter in a given amount of space, solid : the state of matter in which a substance has a definite volume and a definite shape and the molecules are packed tightly and vibrate in place, sublimation : changing from a solid to a gas, kilo : this metric prefix means 1000 of the base unit, plasma : state of matter in which the particles are moving at such high speed that the electrons are stripped from the atoms, ductility : the physical property of being stretched into a thin wire