Activity of the Brain Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: blocking : memory error in which you cannot access stored information, engram : physical trace of memory, chunking : organizing information into manageable bits and chunks, construction : formulation of new memories, memory : set of processes used to encode, store, and retrieve, reconstruction : process of bringing up old memories that might be distorted by new information, bias : how feelings and views of the world distort memory of past events, suggestibility : effects of misinformation from external sources that leads to false memories, amygdala : main job to regulate emotions, amnesia : loss of long-term memory, rehearsal : repetition of information to be remembered, transience : memory error which memories fade with passage of time, encoding : input information into the memory system, recognition : identifying previously learned information after encountering it again, recall : accessing information without cues, storage : creation of a permanent record of learned information, forgetting : loss of information from long term memory, relearning : learning information that was previously learned.