Science and Technology (quizlet) Crossword Puzzle
Download and print this Science and Technology (quizlet) crossword puzzle.
- laptop : (n) a portable computer small enough to use in your lap
- appliance : (n) a machine or tool used to do a household job
- develop : (v) to grow or cause to grow and become more mature, advanced, or elaborate
- distribute : (v) to divide among a group of people
- gradual : (adj) a slow change; a step-by-step change
- initial : (adj) occurring at the beginning
- install : (v) to put in place or set up
- invention : (n) something that is made for the first time
- predict : (v) to say what will happen before it occurs
- provide : (v) to give what is needed; to supply
- delegate : (v) to divide up, especially responsibilities
- substantial : (adj) large, important; major, significant
- renewable : (adj) able to be created again
- device : (n) tool or piece of equipment
- research : (v) to investigate systematically and study in order to establish facts and reach new conclusions
- invent : (v) to make something for the first time
- handy : (adj) useful or convenient
- tablet : (n) a thin, lighter-weight mobile computer that has a touch screen
- pda : (n) personal digital assistant (small computer)
- tear : (v) to damage smth by pulling it apart or into pieces