Vet Med Terminology Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: withers: region over the dorsum where the neck joins the thorax and where the dorsal margins of the scapula lie just below the skin in equines, frog: v-shaped pad of soft horn between the bars on the sole of the equine hoof, brisket: mass of connective tissue muscle and fat covering the cranioventral part of the ruminant chest between the forelegs on cattle, wattle: appendages suspended from the head (usually under the chin), dock: solid part of the tail on a sheep, ham: musculature of the upper thigh in a pig, jowl: external throat—especially when fat or loose skin is present in swine, pinna: projecting part of the ear lying outside the head; the auricle, hock: tarsal joint; also called the tarsus, muzzle: two nostrils (including the skin and fascia) and the muscles of the upper and lower lip, stud: intact male dog. also a term used to refer to an attractive man, bitch: intact female dog. also a disrespectful term for a woman, queening: term used to describe the process of cats giving birth (not to be confused with slaying), litter: multiple offspring born during the same labor. also something you shouldn’t do with your trash, sprite: spayed female ferret. also a soda that hits especially different at mcdonald’s. or another word for an elf or fairy, sire: intact male rat. also a word used to address someone of a noble status, cock: intact male parrot. that’s all, gaggle: group of geese (they may or may not be silly), jack ass: intact male donkey (a word one might use in a fit of road rage), doe: a deer. a female (intact) deer.