Heart Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: sympathetic : the _ nervous system increases heart rate and stroke volume, papillary : the _ muscles are attached to the chordae tendineae, stroke volume : what is the amount of blood pumped with each beat called?, tachycardia : your patient has an abnormally high heart rate. this is called _ , coronary sinus : what is the vessel called that returns oxygen poor blood from the heart muscle back to the right atrium?, intercalated discs : what are the structures called that connect one cardiac muscle cell to its neighbor, calcium : what ion enters cardiac conductile cells during depolarization of the action potential, cardiac : the myocardium contains _ muscle, bicuspid : the _ valve prevents back-flow from the left ventricle to the left atrium, reduces friction : what is the function of the pericardial fluid?, sodium : which ion enters cardiac contractile cells during depolarization?, beta : a _ blocker is given to patients with high blood pressure to slow down hr, mediastinum : identify the region in the thoracic cavity that contains the heart, pulmonary trunk : identify the main artery that leaves the heart carrying oxygen-poor blood, qrs complex : during which phase of the ekg are the ventricles depolarizing?, decrease : an increase in after load results in a(n) _ in stroke volume, troponin : calcium binds to the same protein in cardiac muscle as it did in skeletal muscle. identify the protein, epicardium : what is the superficial layer of the heart wall called?, right ventricle : which chamber pumps blood to the lungs?