Structures of Matter Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: mixture: two or more substances together in the same place but not chemically combined, mass: how much matter an object has, physical properties: properties that can be observed without changing the substance into something different, pure substance: a single kind of matter that has a specific makeup or composition with a specific set of properties, volume: a measure of how much space an object occupies, gas: has no definite shape or volume, fluid, more energy then solids and liquids, compound: two or more elements chemically combined in a set ratio, heterogeneous: mixture where you can see the different parts, matter: has mass and volume, phase change: change from one form of matter to another, element: a pure substance that can not be broken down into any substances, homogeneous: mixture where you can not see the different parts, solid: has definite shape and volume, particles are in fixed position, particles vibrate in place, and least energy, chemical property: property that describes its ability to change onto a new substance, liquid: has definite volume, no definite shape, particles are closely packed but move freely around each other, and more energy than solids, plasma: highest energy, density: the amount of mass per unit of volume