Transport in Plants Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: translocation: process of transporting sugars and other organic compounds in the phloem, leaf: organ where photosynthesis primarily occurs, source: plant organ or tissue that produces and releases sugars, epidermis: outermost layer of cells in leaves, phloem: tissue responsible for transporting sugars and other organic compounds in plants, root hair cells: extensions of epidermal cells that increase surface area for water absorption, transpiration: loss of water vapor from plant surfaces, mesophyll: leaf tissue where photosynthesis takes place, transpiration pull: mechanism by which water is drawn up through the plant, root cortex: region of the root involved in the storage of nutrients, stomata: small openings on the leaf surface for gas exchange, xylem: tissue responsible for transporting water and minerals in plants, sucrose: main sugar transported through the phloem, root: structure responsible for anchoring the plant and absorbing water and