DNA and Molecular Anthropology Crossword Puzzle
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- down : _ syndrome, the birth defect also known as trisomy 23
- four : number of nucleotide bases in dna
- paternity : anthropologists determine primate _ through dna fingerprinting
- franklin : the female researcher who helped to unravel the shape of dna
- proteins : the molecules that dna codes for
- nobel : prize that wilkins, watson, and crick were awarded for their work on dna
- helix : double _ : the shape of dna
- sarich : one of the pioneers in molecular anthropology. hint: he helped to determine the ape-human split timing
- repair : one of dna's three functions
- hybrid : _ dna is used to reconstruct accurate family trees
- ramapithecus : an orangutan ancestor, once thought to be an early human
- meiosis : sex-cell division