Cell Parts Crossword Puzzle

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Cell Parts Crossword Puzzle

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  • chloroplasts : capture the sun's energy and convert it into glucose.
  • rough : the er where the ribosomes are attached...
  • proteins : ribosomes make these...
  • membrane : the cell _ is found in both plants and animals. it controls what comes into and goes out of the cell
  • cell wall : found only in plant cells. protects them and gives them structure.
  • mitochondria : powerhouse of the cell
  • nucleolus : ribosomes are made here.
  • sunlight : photosynthesis uses _ co2 and water to make glucose.
  • water : in a plant there is usually one large vacuole that holds _ .
  • smooth : the er where the ribosomes are not attached...
  • golgi bodies : package proteins and distributes them throughout the cell.
  • chromosomes : structures inside the nucleus that are the genetic blueprint for the cell.
  • inside : the nucleolus and the chromosomes are _ the nucleus.
  • nucleus : cell's control center.
  • envelope : the nuclear _ protects the nucleus and allows only some materials to go in and out.
  • endoplasmic : _ reticulum are the passageways that materials move though the cell in.
  • energy : the mitochondria break down molecules for _ .
  • lysosomes : contain chemicals that break down materials for the cell.
  • respiration : inside mitochondria is where glucose is broken down for energy.
  • vacuoles : the storage area of the cell.
  • cytoplasm : jelly-like substance that flows through the cell.
  • ribosomes : make proteins