Properties of Molecular Compounds Crossword Puzzle

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Properties of Molecular Compounds Crossword Puzzle

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  • covalent : type of bond where atoms share a pair of electrons.
  • simple molecular : distinct structure of a group of atoms.
  • water : one atom of hydrogen bonded to two hydrogen atoms.
  • intermolecular : these forces are weak and do not need a lot of energy to break.
  • boiling point : low in molecules due to weak forces
  • conduction : low in molecular compounds as electrons are not free to move.
  • polymers : string of molecules bonded to form a compound with different properties.
  • monomers : the molecules that are the building blocks of polymers.
  • diamond : example of a giant covalent structure. the strongest material on earth.
  • fullerene : a simple molecule made of 60 carbon atoms.
  • graphite : a giant molecular structure formed of layers held together by weak forces.