Intro to WATER Crossword Puzzle

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Intro to WATER Crossword Puzzle

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  • evaporated : when water seems to disappear, it has actually _ .
  • gravity : _ is a force that attracts all objects toward each other.
  • california : which state uses the most water per person?
  • transpiration : _ is the process by which water leaves a plant.
  • atlantic : the _ ocean is between north america and africa.
  • condensation : _ occurs when a substance changes from gas to liquid.
  • oceans : the map on page 211 show the world;s _ .
  • arctic : the _ ocean is at the top of the globe.
  • condensation : when water turns into clouds, this is called _ .
  • habitat : an organism's _ is the place where it lives.
  • water : all living things need _ in order to carry out body processes.
  • vapor : water _ is water in a gaseous state.
  • cycle : the water _ is the continuous process by which water moves from surface to atmosphere and back.
  • precipitation : when water falls as rain, this is called _ .
  • ice : the cup on page 210 has cubes of _ in it.