Neuron Physiology Crossword Puzzle
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- satellite cells: provide electrical insulation and regulate chemical environment of neurons
- schwann cells: form the myelin sheath around neurons in the pns
- astrocytes: regulate the blood-brain barrier, repair damaged brain tissue, cover brain surface, nourish neurons
- microglia: act as phagocytes to ingest microorganisms, foreign matter, and dead nervous tissues
- ependymal cells: secrete and circulate cerebrospinal fluid
- oligodendrocytes: form the myelin sheath around neurons in the cns
- local potential: located in dendrites and soma, short distance, decremental, reversible, graded, ligand gates, excitatory and inhibitory
- action potential: located in axon and axon hillock, long distance, not decremental, not reversible, not graded, voltage, gates, excitatory
- sensory neuron: conducts impulses toward the cns
- interneuron: transmits info between neurons in the cns
- motor neuron: conducts impulses away from the cns