Biology Keywords Crossword Puzzle

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  • gestation : the duration of pregnancy, where a fetus grows and develops until it is ready to be born.
  • gametes : the male or female sex cell that can fuse together in sexual reproduction to make a new individual.
  • biotic : a factor that has something to do with a living thing.
  • sperm : the cell involved sexual reproduction in animals, produced by males.
  • cell membrane : this cell structure controls which substances can enter and leave a cell.
  • egg cell : the gamete found in females, used for reproduction.
  • photosynthesis : the process by which green plants use sunlight to make their own food (glucose).
  • interdependence : when all the organisms in an ecosystem depend on each other.
  • microscope : an instrument for observing objects which are too small for the eye to see.
  • abiotic : a factor that is not to do with a living thing.
  • chloroplast : a structure in plant cells that contains chlorophyll for photosynthesis.
  • sexual : type of reproduction when sex cells (gametes) from two individuals fuse to form a new individual.
  • tissue : a group of similar cells working together.
  • specialized : cells that are adapted or suited to a specific function or job.
  • asexual : type of reproduction when an organism makes an exact copy of itself to make a new individual.
  • quadrat : a piece of equipment used to count the number of organisms/individuals in a specific area.
  • fertilization : when the gametes meet and the nuclei fuse to make a new cell.
  • hormone : chemical substances that act as messengers in the body.