Biology - Worms Crossword Puzzle

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  • leeches : blood sucking annelids
  • hermaphrodite : organism with both male and female organs
  • crop : stores an earthworm's food
  • pharynx : tube-like structure in flatworms for gathering food
  • closed : type of circulatory system annelids have
  • ascaris : roundworm that can cause blockage of intestine
  • flukes : parasitic flatworms that infect internal organs of host
  • flame : these cells excrete waste in flatworms
  • tapeworms : long, flat, parasitic flatworms
  • polychaetes : marine annelids
  • ganglia : group of nerve cells
  • coelom : fluid-filled body cavity lined with mesoderm
  • annelida : segmented worm phylum
  • gizzard : grinds and earthworm's food
  • eyespot : flatworms detect light with this
  • hookworms : these worms can cause severe blood loss in children
  • snail : intermediate host for a snail
  • nephridia : earthworm's excretory organs
  • setae : hairlike structures that help anchor an earthworm
  • turbellarians : free-living flatworms
  • nematoda : roundworm phylum
  • clitellum : band on an earthworm that secretes mucus in which eggs & sperm are put
  • filarial : these worms cause elaphantiasis
  • circular : type of muscle that makes an earthworm longer