Patterns on Earth Crossword Puzzle

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Patterns on Earth Crossword Puzzle

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  • winter : it is currently spring in the northern hemisphere. what season will come next in the southern hemisphere?
  • twelve : how many hours are between high tides?
  • twenty eight : how many days is the moon cycle?
  • moon phase : what the moon looks like at different times of the month
  • new moon : what phase is the moon in when you can't see it?
  • sun : a star at the center of the solar system that powers most of our cycles on earth.
  • shadow : an area without light
  • seasons : _ occur in a pattern because of the earth's revolution on its tilted axis.
  • full moon : what phase is the moon in when you can see all of it?
  • moon : a natural satellite that orbits a planet
  • moons gravity : what causes the earth to have tides?
  • west : if a student stands in the middle of the playground at 8:00 am on a sunny day, which direction will his shadow be cast?
  • orbit : what is the path around the sun called?
  • sundial : the sun hits this object to help tell time using shadows.
  • pattern : a design that is repeated