Biology - DNA Crossword Puzzle

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Biology - DNA Crossword Puzzle

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  • gene: inherited characteristics from parents and grandparents
  • cell: a basic unit of living matter
  • nucleus: the core of a cell
  • dna: the material inside the nucleus of cells, carrying the genetic information of a living being
  • genetic code: -the means by which dna and rna molecules carry genetic information in living cells
  • rna: it acts as a messenger carrying instructions from dna for controlling the synthesis of proteins
  • chromosomes: a microscopic gene-carrying body in the nucleus of a cell
  • double helix: the shape of the dna molecule, with two strands twisted together in a spiral.
  • heredity: genetic information that determines an organism's characteristics
  • mitosis: a type of cell division which produces daughter cells identical to the parent.
  • organism: living entity like animals, plants or micro-organisms.