ECG / Cardiac Terms Crossword Puzzle

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ECG / Cardiac Terms Crossword Puzzle

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  • peaked: _ t waves are often seen in mild to moderate hyperkalaemia.
  • mitral: valve located between the left atrium and ventricle.
  • posterior: leads 7, 8, 9 allow for this view of the heart.
  • bigeminy: term when every other beat is a pvc.
  • artifact: interference from various sources, causing distortion of the ecg (eg. movement).
  • prinzmetal: type of spasmodic angina, that has transient st-changes.
  • diaphoresis : term for excessive sweating, commonly seen in stemi patients.
  • chest: another term for precordial leads is _ leads.
  • saddleback: term for the distinctive shape of the widespread st-elevation seen in pericarditis.
  • asystole: a non-shockable rhythm (though tell that to the movie actors).
  • louis: the manubriosternal joint is better known as the angle of _
  • sgarbossa: a set of criteria where infarcts can be suspected despite lbbb and paced rhythms.
  • flutter: a "saw-tooth" pattern is indicative of atrial _
  • printerval: a first degree av block is diagnosed when this is greater than 0.20 secs (1, 1, 8)
  • widowmaker: colloquial term for an occlusion in the lad (5, 5).