X-Ray Production and Target Interactions Crossword Puzzle

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X-Ray Production and Target Interactions Crossword Puzzle

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  • thorium: sometimes added to tungsten in filament
  • space charge effect: with the buildup of electrons by the filament, the electrons' negative charges begin to oppose the emission of additional electrons
  • positive: charge of anode; pollyanna encourages us to be more _ about life.
  • thermionic emission: the process of boiling off electrons from the filament using heat.
  • vacuum tube: removes all air so gases do not interfere with x-ray production.
  • nickel: material used in focusing cup; 5 cent piece
  • bremsstrahlung: a target interaction that occurs when projectile electrons are slowed down or stopped in the anode
  • molybdenum: material used in majority of anode and focusing cup
  • focusing cup: houses the filaments in the cathode; creates electron stream
  • filament: source of electrons; part of the cathode; two sizes
  • cathode: negatively charged end of x-ray tube
  • electrons: negatively charged part of an atom
  • anode: positively charged end of x-ray tube
  • tungsten: main material used in filament and target
  • characteristic: a target interaction that occurs when the projectile electron passes near an orbital electron, ejects it from its orbit, and causes a cascade
  • negative: charge of cathode; people who are catty talk about others in a _ way.
  • rhenium: combined with tungsten to create target on anode.