Oral Anatomy Crossword Puzzle

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Oral Anatomy Crossword Puzzle

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  • central incisors : the center sharp, chisel-shaped front teeth used for cutting food
  • lateral incisor : the outside sharp, chisel-shaped front teeth used for cutting food
  • cuspids : pointed teeth located next to the incisors
  • bicuspids : flat-topped teeth located behind the cuspids and in front of the molars
  • molars : broad, flat teeth located a the back of the mouth
  • wisdom tooth : the singular name of a molar that can be pulled from your mouth
  • crown : the top protective layer of the tooth
  • enamel : the coating of the tooth that can be worn down by acidic food and bacteria
  • gingiva : the living pink tissue that surrounds the tooth and jaw
  • dentine : the soft living tissue within the tooth that is similar to bone
  • root canal : the open space that holds blood vessels and nerves
  • lips : the epithelium that acts as the entryway into the mouth
  • cheeks : these are the strong muscular side of the mouth
  • gum disease : infection of the pink tissue that holds the teeth in place
  • hard palate : the fused rigid bone roof of the mouth
  • soft palate : the muscular section of the roof of the mouth
  • tongue : the muscle that moves food and allows for speech
  • frenulum : the thick connective tissue tying the tongue to the mouth
  • salivary glands : 2 glands that produce digestive fluids in the mouth