Digestion, Carbohydrates, and Cellular Respiration Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: small intestine : part of the digestive system where most chemical digestion takes place. this organ makes up two thirds of the length of your digestive system, pancreas : this organ produces enzymes that flow into the small intestine and help break down starches, proteins, and fats, digestion : this is the process by which your body breaks down food into small nutrient molecules, anus : waste material is eliminated from the body through this organ, rectum : a short tube at the end of the large intestine. waste is compressed into a solid form, stomach : this organ is where most mechanical and chemical digestion occur, carbohydrate : composed of carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen, this nutrient is the major source of energy. they also provide the raw materials to make cell parts, pepsin : chemical found in digestive juice that digests the proteins in you food, breaking them down into short chains of amino acids, liver : this organ produces bile that breaks up fat particles, peristalsis : involuntary waves of muscle contraction, gallbladder : organ that stores bile, esophagus : muscular tube that connects the mouth to the stomach. this structure is lined with mucus that makes food easier to swallow and move along, respiration : the process by which cells break down simple food molecules sucyh as sugar and release the energy they contain, glucose : this simple carbohydrate is the major source of energy for your body's cells, large intestine : water is absorbed into the bloodstream from this organ, absorption : this is the process by which nutrient molecules pass through the wall of your digestive system into your blood, mitochondria : the second stage of respiration takes place in this organ which is often referred to as the "powerhouse of the cell", bile : substance that breaks up fat particles.