Anatomical Terms Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: retraction : moving a body part backward, tendon : tissue that connects muscle to bone, flexion : movement that decreases angle between 2 bones, proximal : nearest to a reference point, contusion : injury that occurs from a direct blow, transverse : plane that divides body into upper and lower halves, strain : injury that occurs to a tendon or a muscle, superior : toward the head, inferior : away from the head, ligament : tissue that connects bone to another bone, anterior : toward the front, elevation : moving a body part upward, pronation : turning the palm of the and downward, chronic : injury that occurs from slow, gradual onset, distal : farther from a reference point, depression : moving a body part downward, inversion : turning the sole of the foot inward, rotation : movement in which a bone turns on an axis, medial : closer to the midline of the body, posterior : toward the back, extension : movement that increases angle between 2 bones, frontal : plane that divides body into front and back halves, acute : injury that occurs from a single traumatic event, sprain : injury that occurs to a ligament, lateral : farther from the midline of the body