Inheritance Terminology Crossword Puzzle

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Inheritance Terminology Crossword Puzzle

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  • allele: one of multiple alternative versions of a particular gene
  • autosomal: refers to any chromosome that is not a sex chromosome
  • phenotype: the traits observable in the individual
  • homozygous: having identical alleles at a given locus
  • incomplete: _ dominance - when a dominant allele does not completely mask the expression of a recessive allele, giving a blended phenotype
  • recessive allele: a version of a particular gene that does not produce a phenotype if a dominant version is present
  • sex linked: refers to an allele/mutation carried on an x or y chromosome
  • genotype: the alleles present in the genome of a particular individual
  • codominant: when both alleles are expressed in the same individual
  • allele: dominant _ : a version of a particular gene that will produce a certain phenotype, even in the presence of other genes
  • heterozygous: having two different alleles at a given locus
  • locus: a position on a chromosome where a gene/gene marker can be found