Theory of Evolution Crossword Puzzle

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Theory of Evolution Crossword Puzzle

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  • adaptation : inherited trait that helps an organism survive and reproduce in its environment.
  • traits : natural selection can act only on acquired _ .
  • extinction : it occurs when all members of species have died.
  • extinct : because of environmental change, dinosaurs eventually became _
  • over production : it usually makes more offspring than the environment can support.
  • species : a group of closely related organisms that can mate to produce fertile offspring.
  • darwin : charles _ is the father of evolution
  • variations : naturally occurring differences
  • artificial : _ selection is the practice by which humans select plants or animals for breeding based on desired traits
  • mutation : source of variation which means change in genetic material
  • population : all of the individuals of a species that live in an area at the same time.
  • selection : natural _ - the process by which organism that inherit advantageous traits tend to reproduce more successfully
  • evolution : process by which populations change over time