Eukaryotic Cell Structure Crossword Puzzle

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Eukaryotic Cell Structure Crossword Puzzle

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  • vesicles : detached fluid-filled pockets found at the edges of the golgi apparatus
  • grana : stacks of thylakoids
  • nuclear envelope : double-membrane controlling entry and exit to the nucleus
  • lysosomes : responsible for digesting invading cells and old, unwanted parts of cells
  • two : number of membranes found within mitochondria
  • chlorophyll : pigment found within thylakoids to absorb sunlight energy
  • chromatin : protein-bound linear dna
  • matrix : contains proteins, lipids, ribosomes and dna in mitochondria
  • cristae : extensions of the inner membrane in mitochondria
  • nucleolus : site of ribosomal rna synthesis and formation of ribosomes
  • stroma : site of glucose synthesis in chloroplasts
  • golgi apparatus : involved in processing and packaging lipids and proteins
  • thylakoids : contains chlorophyll