Cells and Tissues Crossword Puzzle
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- epithelium : refers to layers of cells
- mitosis : cell division
- columnar cells : cells which have an elongated shape
- eukaryotic cells : humans are created by
- prophase : what is the first stage of cell division
- nucleoplasm : contains the nucleolus and chromatin
- cell : the basic unit of life
- cytoskeleton : the "cell skeleton"
- ribosomes : manufacture proteins and enzymes
- interphase : period when the cell is not actively dividing
- metaphase : chromosomes align across center of cell
- squamous cells : thin flat cells that look like fish scales
- gametes : the reproductive male sex cell
- plasma membrane : the "gate keeper"
- genetic code : the store of information in each gene
- platelets : helps to clot blood
- telephase : cell division is complete
- cuboidalcells : cube-like cells
- nucleus : control center of the cell
- gonads : the reproductive female sex cell