Articulation Anatomy Crossword Puzzle

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Articulation Anatomy Crossword Puzzle

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  • sternohyoid : muscle attached to the sternum that depresses the hyoid
  • risorius : relatively superficial muscle that spreads the lips
  • pterygoid : muscle that protrudes the mandible is the lateral _
  • suprahyoids : muscles that elevate the hyoid are termed _
  • omohyoid : two bellied muscle that depresses the hyoid
  • superior : muscle that elevates the tongue tip is the _ longitudinal
  • sphenoid : medial pterygoid plate is part of the _ bone
  • masseter : a mandibular elevator with its origin at the zygomatic arch
  • digastric : muscle attached to the mastoid process that elevates the hyoid is the posterior _
  • tensor : the _ veli palatini muscle wraps around the hamulus
  • temporal : the styloid process is part of the _ bone
  • glossus : a term that refers to the tongue
  • genioglossus : muscle that protrudes the tongue is the posterior _
  • geniohyoid : deepest muscle running from the mandible to hyoid that depresses the mandible
  • infrahyoids : muscles that depress the hyoid are termed _
  • buccinator : relatively deep muscle that spreads the lips
  • hyoglossus : muscle that depresses the body of the tongue
  • velipalatini : the levator _ muscle elevates the velum
  • mandible : the coranoid process is part of the _