Cell, Tissue and Organs Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: organelles : little things in the cells, lysosome : digestive chemical which breakdown waste, mitochondrion : the powerhouse of the cell-cellular respiration, organ : a group made out of tissue, golgi : transports substances to other organelles, cytoplasm : jelly, muscle : a cell that forms tissue that can stretch, nucleus : dna-control center, circulatory : a system that contains the heart and blood vessels, bone : a cell that forms tissue that makes bones, nucleus membrane : allows things to enter and exit the nucleus, nerve : a cell that carries messages to and from the brain, nervous : a system that contains nerves and the spinal cord, white blood : a cell that kills germs that attack the body, vacuole : it is a sac which stores substances, red blood : a cell that carries oxygen and food, ribosomes : produce protein, tissue : cells of the same kind make this up, nucleolus : produces ribosomes, cell : tiny building blocks