Phylogenetics Crossword Puzzle

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Phylogenetics Crossword Puzzle

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  • tree length : the total number of changes required for all characters on the tree.
  • vestigial : a structure inherited from an ancestor that no longer serves a clear function in the organism that possesses it.
  • clades : all branches and tips derived from a given node.
  • paraphyletic : taxonomic group that includes the common ancestor but excludes descendants on one or more branches.
  • root : an extra node added at the base of a phylogenetic tree; the mrca for all organisms on the tree.
  • homoplasious : structures which are similar in form and function that arose independently (due to convergent evolution).
  • parsimony : the simplest solution which explains all the data is preferred.
  • monophyletic : a clade; taxonomic group that includes the common ancestor and all descendants.
  • nodes : part of the phylogenetic tree which represents branching points; represents populations not individuals.
  • tips : part of the phylogenetic tree which represents taxa or individuals.
  • phylogeny : reconstruction of evolutionary relationships using trees.
  • polyphyletic : taxonomic group that does not include the common ancestor; often erroneously groups due to homoplasy.
  • common ancestor : population found at a branching point, which gives rise to all descendent species.
  • phylogenetic tree : diagram representing the branching history of evolution.
  • branches : part of the phylogenetic tree depicting independently evolving lineages.
  • taxonomy : classifying names and organisms.
  • homologous : structures which evolved from the same feature in a common ancestor.