The Cell Cycle & Mitosis I Crossword Puzzle

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The Cell Cycle & Mitosis I Crossword Puzzle

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  • cell cycle : the life of a cell is divided into three stages of this cycle.
  • interphase : this is the longest stage (time period) in the cell cycle.
  • mitosis : this is the second stage of the cell cycle and is usually the shortest stage.
  • cytokinesis : this is the final stage of the cell cycle when the two nuclei and other cell contents separate into two daughter cells.
  • first : during this phase of interphase, the cell increases in size and makes proteins needed for cell functions and survival.
  • duplicate : some organelles do this during the first phase of interphase.
  • replication : during this phase of interphase, dna copies itself.
  • mitochondria : during this final phase of interphase this organelle will be duplicated.
  • early prophase : during the phase of mitosis, replicated dna (chromatin) condenses into chromosomes, the nucleolus disappears, the nuclear membrane breaks down, and spindle fibres begin to form.
  • late prophase : during the phase of mitosis, the spindle fibres finish forming, the x-shaped chromosomes attach to the spindle fibres at their centromeres, and the nuclear membrane disappears.
  • metaphase : during the phase of mitosis, the tugging action of the spindle fibres pulls the x-shaped chromosomes into a single line across the equator of the cell.