Electrical Signals in Neurons Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: ipsp : a neurotransmitter-caused hyper-polarization of the postsynaptic membrane, temporal summation : results from the buildup of neurotransmitter from the rapid, successive release by a single pre-synaptic end bulb, spatial summation : results from the buildup of neurotransmitter released simultaneously by several pre-synaptic end bulbs, epsp : a neurotransmitter-caused depolarization of the postsynaptic membrane, relative : _ refractory period - period of time when a second action potential can be initiated with a very strong stimulus, absolute : _ refractory period - time during which a neuron cannot produce an action potential even with a very strong stimulus, graded potential : a small deviation from the resting membrane potential that makes the membrane either more or less polarized, re polarization : the recovery of the resting membrane potential, threshold : the minimum level of depolarization required for a nerve impulse to be generated, depolarizing : type of graded potential that results in polarization that is less negative than the resting level, hyper polarizing : type of graded potential that results in polarization that is more negative than the resting level.