Immune System Crossword Puzzle

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Immune System Crossword Puzzle

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  • killer cells : natural _ - innate, another type of wbc, recognizes and destroy foreign cells including cancer cells, virus infected cells, bacteria and cells of transplanted organs tissues w/chemicals
  • complement system : innate, enhances the ability of antibodies and phagocyte cells to clear bacteria from body, normally is inactive in plasma/body fluids, this activated when antigen and antibody interact
  • tears and saliva : innate external barrier, lysozyme in this can break down cell walls thus killing bacteria
  • skin : external innate immunity, forms a barrier to microorganisms so they cannot enter the body, contains sebaceous glands in hair follicles; sebum
  • defense : immune system function thats protecting against invasion of microorganisms and preventing development of infection through attack on foreign pathogens and antigens
  • surveillance : recognizing and guarding against the development of abnormal cells, abnormal cells are recognized and destroyed
  • inflammation : innate, response accompanying pathogen invasion, causes localized heat, swelling, redness, pain, attracts wbc, clotting factors
  • hydrochloric acid : innate external barrier, this is in the stomach and destroyed swallowed bacteria
  • interferon : innate, released when virus invades cell, goes to neighboring cells not yet infected by a virus yet and stimulates protein release blocking virus ability to reproduce
  • immunity : the quality of being insusceptible to or unaffected by a particular disease or condition
  • homeostasis : immune system function that is removing damaged cells from circulation therefor maintaining bodys cell types in an unchanged manner
  • mucous membranes : innate external barrier, this coating traps and removes foreign particles and bacteria
  • phagocytosis : innate, wbcs perform this, macrophages/neutrophils, they engulf and destroy invading pathogens, foreign particles, dead or damaged cells
  • fever : pyrexia, abnormal temperature elevation promoting activity of interferon, inhibits reproduction of both bacteria and viruses