Biopsychology & Neurons Crossword Puzzle
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- phrenology : studying bumps on the skull to reveal someone's personality and mental abilities
- synapse : neuronal junction; where transmission between nerve impulses occur
- soma : also known as the cell body
- neuron : basic building block of the nervous system
- nodes of ranvier : gaps in the myelin sheath; allow ions to diffuse in and out of the neuron
- biological psychology : those who study this often call themselves behavioral neuroscientists, neuropsychologists or physiological psychologists
- axon terminal : releases the neurotransmitters that relay signals across a synapse
- dendrites : neuron's branching extensions attached to the cell body that receive messages and conduct impulses
- glial cell : cells in nervous system that provide support for essential functions
- schwann cell : glial cell that surrounds neurons
- axon : neuron extension that passes messages through its branches to other neurons/muscle/glands
- myelin sheath : fatty tissue that encases the axons and allows for a greater transmission speed