Biomedicine - Digestive Pathologies Crossword Puzzle

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Biomedicine - Digestive Pathologies Crossword Puzzle

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  • oral thrush : a fungal infection of the mouth
  • cold sores : a viral infection that lies dormant and activates when immunity is low
  • abscess : localised pocket of pus surrounded by inflammation caused by a bacterial infection
  • gingivitis : bacterial infection of the gums
  • xerostomia : dry mouth due to reduced or absent flow of saliva
  • salivary calculi : stone formation in a salivary gland due to a metabolic imbalance in mineral concentration
  • gord : abbreviation for where the lower oesophageal sphincter relaxes and acid regurgitates up from the stomach
  • gastritis : inflammation of the stomach mucosa (in acute cases causing the breakdown of the stomach lining)
  • appendicitis : inflammation of the appendix
  • dysentry : infection of the intestine that causes diarrhoea containing blood and mucus
  • ulcerative colitis : a form of inflammatory bowel disease where small ulcers develop in the colon lining
  • crohns disease : a form of inflammatory bowel disease where transmural inflammation affects the entire git
  • coeliac disease : an autoimmune condition where the body's immune system attaches its own mucosa tissue in the si in response to gluten
  • diverticulosis : the presence of pea-sized pouches caused by herniations of mucosa bulging out through the colon wall
  • hernia : where an internal part of the body pushes through a weakness in the muscle or surrounding tissue wall
  • liver cirrhosis : irreversible scarring of the liver tissue due to long-term damage
  • enterobiasis : aka pinworm - a parasite heminth infection
  • toxoplasmosis : a parasite normally hosted in cats and carry health risks for pregnant women.